“Aatidonji Dina” a special programme was organized by Tulu Sangha in collaboration with Kannada Sangha on 10th August 2016. The programme started with prayer by Nisha & Party. The gathering was welcomed by the secretary of Tulu Sangha, Ms. Kavya of III B.Com A1. The guest for the programme was Sri Muddu Moodubelle, Retired Akashavani artist. He spoke about the importance of ‘Aati’. Aati month has a special significance on Tuluva culture.
In his speech he specified that, in olden days, during the month of Aati when people had scarcity of food, they started to consume herbs from the nature itself. Consumption of these medicinal herbs cures many diseases. He also mentioned some of the dishes which were exclusively prepared in this month by Tuluva people.
The programme was presided over by the Principal of our college Dr. K.V.Malini. In her presidential remark she reminded the students to retain the cultutre of Tulunadu and appreciated Sri Muddu Moodubelle’s speech. She also addressed that because of heavy rain during this month contaminated deseases will affect the people, to get relief from this they used consume herbs and sherbs having medicinal trait.
The programme was mastered by Prajwal of I B.Com D. The conveners of Tulu Sangha Prof. Babitha S and Prof. Smitha M, and Convener of Kannada Sangha Prof. Tara Kumari, Secretaries and Jt.Secretaries of both the Associations were present. This programme was also witnessed by faculty from various departments, non teaching staffs and about 150 students.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Jt. Secretary of Kannada Sangha Supritha of II B.Com. At the end special food of the season prepared by the students were distributed.
Report by
Mrs. Babitha S and Mrs. Smitha M.