To familiarize the members with the presentation of research paper CASCMa has organised a seminar on “How to present a research paper” on February 21, 2018.Mrs. Dhanya Shet, Assistant Professor of Commerce, Canara College, Mangaluru was the resource person. She said “Your paper should not be more than 6 to 7 pages long (including references). Incorporate ppt’s not more than 10 to 12 slides. This is your opportunity to describe in detail what problem you were solving, how you solved it, how you tested your solution, what your results show, difficulties you encountered along the way, what you would have liked to have done (or done differently), and what you learned from your project.” The seminar was very well received by a total of 11 members of CASCMa.The students were able to understand the details regarding the paper presentation such as number of slides in ppts and references etc.
Report by,
Mrs. Seema Prabhu S.