Library and Information Centre

Library as a learning resource centre with its motto of “Read every day and Lead a better life” strives to cater to the information needs of a learner that is fundamental to functioning successfully in today’s information and knowledge driven age. The college has a full-fledged, spacious Library and Reading Room with E-Library facilities. It is well stocked with the latest books, magazines, journals, periodicals. Besides this, it also provides in-house reprographic services to its students and staff.

The Library is supervised by the Librarian in coordination with the Library Advisory Committee. The committee takes care of up-gradation, enrichment and maintenance of the library. The library is fully automated, using INFLIBNET software, OPAC, Barcode system is also available. The library staff issues books, journals, periodicals and provides access to electronic resources to the students, faculty and staff members. The Library is housed with a built-up area of 15.88 x 8.86 square metres and Reading Room with a built area of 8.38 x 14.98 square metres having a seating capacity of 35 each.

Books : 45,481
Titles : 30,765
Book Bank : 6,421
Journals : 8
Magazines : 51
Newspapers : 14
CD/ DVD : 468


The Library and Reading Room shall remain open on all working days as per the time stated below :

Monday to Friday : 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
On Saturday : 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
During Vacation : 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Time schedule for issue and return of books

Issue of books : 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM (Borrowers Card)
12:30 PM to 4:00 PM (Identity Card)
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (Readers Club)
Return of books : 9:00AM to 11:30 AM


  • The use of Library and Reading Room and its facilities are governed by the rules and regulations of the Library.
  • Each student will be given one Borrower’s Card which entitles him to borrow one course book at a time, and the Card will have to be returned to the Librarian at the end of the year.
  • Renewal of the books to be done on or before due date, else a fine of 1/-per book per day and 2/- will be levied during the examination time.
  • If the Card is lost, the fact must be immediately reported to the Librarian and a duplicate Card will be issued after paying a penalty of 25/-.
  • Users can reserve the book with the help of OPAC.
  • A Full-time teaching faculty can borrow any number of books at a time.
  • The Library Advisory Committee may suggest the limitation of books to faculty and students on the basis of their library collection.
  • Book Bank books can be issued as per Book Bank Scheme norms / the availability of books. The discretionary powers are given to the Librarian by the Library Advisory Committee.
  • On request books can be issued to the students for specific purpose by the Librarian.
  • The Library is also provided with LAN facility for the computers and they are loaded with the library software having OPAC facility.
  • Faculty of the college may recommend the purchase of desired or relevant book to the librarian. Books from vendors on approval will be available in the library from time to time. In addition there are mini libraries maintained at Departmental level where specific needs of students and teachers are met locally.
  • The book list requirement is received from the concerned department as per their curriculum changes and as per the variation of intake of students.
  • Reprographic facilities are available in the Reading Room.

Rules and Regulations

  1. The main purpose of these rules is to safeguard the common interest of all users and to enable the Library to carry out its functions as efficiently as possible, failure to observe these rules which leads to cancellation of the membership. Handle the documents with great care as they are costly and precious in nature.
  2. The Students must carry their College Identity Card / Library Membership Card with them at all time inside the Library. Show the Identity Card compulsory at the time of books check-out / check-in (whenever asked by the library staff).
  3. All readers are required to maintain perfect silence and discipline in the library.
  4. The Library staff members at the entrance and exit gate of the Library is authorized to search the person or a reader if he / she suspects that he / she is carrying any other property from the Library.
  5. The borrowing facility can be withdrawn or restricted in case of misbehavior of users for their misuse of the library.
  6. Library users should enter his / her name, course, class, time-in and time-out in register kept at the entrance.
  7. All personal belongings, such as books, bag, coat, umbrella, personal files, photocopied material that do not belong to the library must be deposited in the library counter at the entrance of the library.
  8. Books are issued for staff till semester end and for students’ period of a week in the first instance and if required, the same book can be renewed further one more time for a period of another week and thus no book will be allowed to be kept with a member beyond fifteen days.
  9. The books may be renewed if the same are not in demand or are not reserved by other readers.
  10. A book may be reserved for a reader provided he makes an application to the Librarian for the same within the stipulated time. The book should be collected within 24 hours after the Librarian informs the availability of book.
  11. Library cards are not transferable. The borrower card holders should come personally to borrow the books and the authorization is not allowed.
  12. Every borrower from the library is responsible for the safe custody and return of the book borrowed by him / her. In the event of damage or loss he / she shall replace the book or pay the cost of the book. The person has to pay the fine plus the cost of the book at the time of clearance from the library.
  13. Readers should not deface, mark, cut, tear, mutilate or damage library resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he / she will be charged the full replacement cost of the resource. Also books borrowed should be protected from rain, fire, insect, etc…
  14. Downloading of undesirable e-resources shall not be allowed and punishable if violated.
  15. Strict discipline should be maintained in the library. The position of the chairs and tables should not be changed or displaced.
  16. Beverages and eatables are not allowed inside the library.
  17. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the Library and Reading Room.
  18. Students may be permitted to carry Laptops and its accessories in the Library / Reading room.
  19. All persons may be allowed admission to the library provided that the Librarian may at his discretion refuse admission if he considers a person either of unsound mind, intoxicated or otherwise shabbily dressed. The decision of the Librarian or the next senior officer of the library in the absence of the Librarian shall be final in this matter.
  20. Students Entry to Library and Reading Room is permitted with college uniform only.
  21. No reader is allowed to sleep in the Library or Reading Room premises.
  22. The readers shall behave in a civilized manner. The Librarian may expel any person if he / she feel the presence of such a person is liable to create law and order situation.
  23. The readers are liable for disciplinary actions and fine if they either misbehave or damage the books or any other property of the library. Hence, decency in behavior is expected.
  24. Each prospective member shall give in writing an undertaking to abide by the rules of the library.
  25. Each member shall be provided with a membership Library Identity Card and / or Borrower’s Card.
  26. In case any book is lost or injured by the member, the member shall replace the book or shall pay the cost of replacement. If a book is one of the volumes of a set, the reader may be asked to replace the whole set.
  27. Reference books, unbound periodicals and books of fine arts may not be issued generally except with the written permission of the Librarian. Encyclopedia's, Dictionaries and rare books will not be issued.
  28. If a member does not pay off the library dues, the privilege of borrowing books may be suspended till he / she deposits the requisite amount.
  29. No visitor or guest is permitted to use the Library without the prior permission of the Librarian / Principal. He / She is required to produce a proper introduction letter from the concerned Institution / Organization thereafter who wishes to use the Library facility.
  30. No photograph of the Library shall be taken without the prior permission of the Librarian.
  31. The librarian reserves the power to refuse the issue of book to any member or he may recall any book without assigning any reason therefore.
  32. Student after returning of library books / documents should take No-dues certificate from the library before the examination or before the III and V Semester admission.
  33. Staff should take library No-Dues Certificate (NOC) while Transfer / Deputation / Resignation / Superannuation from the college. While leaving the college, both student and faculty should return books and library borrower’s card without fail, thereafter NOC will be issued.


Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Shruthi G Librarian
2 Poornima H. Second Division Clerk


  • University Exam Question Papers
  • E-Learning Resources (Lecture Videos)
  • N-List (INFLIBNET) - It is a National Library and Information services Infrastructure of Scholarly Content. It covers more than 6000 articles and more than 30,30,000 e-books. The resources are accessible from the link
  • SAGE Journals - SAGE is a leading international provider of innovative, high-quality content publishing more than 900 journals and over 800 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. A growing selection of library products includes archives, data, case studies and video.
  • J-Gate – It was launched in 2001 which helps to access millions of journal articles offered by Publishers. It has a huge database of journal literature indexed from 55,228 e-journals. It is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature.
  • National Digital Library of India National Digital Library of India (NDL India) is a pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. NDL India is designed to hold content of any language and provides interface support for leading Indian languages. It is being arranged to provide support for all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular form of access devices and differently-abled learners. It also helps students to prepare for entrance and competitive examination, to enable people to learn and prepare from best practices from all over the world and to facilitate researchers to perform inter-linked exploration from multiple sources.

Open access E Journals


Rare Books

Library as a learning resource centre with its motto of “Read every day and Lead a better life” strives to cater to the information needs of a learner that is fundamental to functioning successfully in today’s information and knowledge driven age. The college has a full-fledged, spacious Library and Reading Room with E-Library facilities. It is well stocked with the latest books, magazines, journals, periodicals. Besides this, it also provides in-house reprographic services to its students and staff.

The Library is supervised by the Librarian in coordination with the Library Advisory Committee. The committee takes care of up-gradation, enrichment and maintenance of the library. The library is fully automated, using INFLIBNET software, OPAC, Barcode system is also available. The library staff issues books, journals, periodicals and provides access to electronic resources to the students, faculty and staff members. The Library is housed with a built-up area of 15.88 x 8.86 square metres and Reading Room with a built area of 8.38 x 14.98 square metres having a seating capacity of 35 each.

Books : 45,481
Titles : 30,765
Book Bank : 6,421
Journals : 8
Magazines : 51
Newspapers : 14
CD/ DVD : 468


The Library and Reading Room shall remain open on all working days as per the time stated below :

Monday to Friday : 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
On Saturday : 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
During Vacation : 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Time schedule for issue and return of books

Issue of books : 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM (Borrowers Card)
12:30 PM to 4:00 PM (Identity Card)
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (Readers Club)
Return of books : 9:00AM to 11:30 AM


  • The use of Library and Reading Room and its facilities are governed by the rules and regulations of the Library.
  • Each student will be given one Borrower’s Card which entitles him to borrow one course book at a time, and the Card will have to be returned to the Librarian at the end of the year.
  • Renewal of the books to be done on or before due date, else a fine of 1/-per book per day and 2/- will be levied during the examination time.
  • If the Card is lost, the fact must be immediately reported to the Librarian and a duplicate Card will be issued after paying a penalty of 25/-.
  • Users can reserve the book with the help of OPAC.
  • A Full-time teaching faculty can borrow any number of books at a time.
  • The Library Advisory Committee may suggest the limitation of books to faculty and students on the basis of their library collection.
  • Book Bank books can be issued as per Book Bank Scheme norms / the availability of books. The discretionary powers are given to the Librarian by the Library Advisory Committee.
  • On request books can be issued to the students for specific purpose by the Librarian.
  • The Library is also provided with LAN facility for the computers and they are loaded with the library software having OPAC facility.
  • Faculty of the college may recommend the purchase of desired or relevant book to the librarian. Books from vendors on approval will be available in the library from time to time. In addition there are mini libraries maintained at Departmental level where specific needs of students and teachers are met locally.
  • The book list requirement is received from the concerned department as per their curriculum changes and as per the variation of intake of students.
  • Reprographic facilities are available in the Reading Room.

Rules and Regulations

  1. The main purpose of these rules is to safeguard the common interest of all users and to enable the Library to carry out its functions as efficiently as possible, failure to observe these rules which leads to cancellation of the membership. Handle the documents with great care as they are costly and precious in nature.
  2. The Students must carry their College Identity Card / Library Membership Card with them at all time inside the Library. Show the Identity Card compulsory at the time of books check-out / check-in (whenever asked by the library staff).
  3. All readers are required to maintain perfect silence and discipline in the library.
  4. The Library staff members at the entrance and exit gate of the Library is authorized to search the person or a reader if he / she suspects that he / she is carrying any other property from the Library.
  5. The borrowing facility can be withdrawn or restricted in case of misbehavior of users for their misuse of the library.
  6. Library users should enter his / her name, course, class, time-in and time-out in register kept at the entrance.
  7. All personal belongings, such as books, bag, coat, umbrella, personal files, photocopied material that do not belong to the library must be deposited in the library counter at the entrance of the library.
  8. Books are issued for staff till semester end and for students’ period of a week in the first instance and if required, the same book can be renewed further one more time for a period of another week and thus no book will be allowed to be kept with a member beyond fifteen days.
  9. The books may be renewed if the same are not in demand or are not reserved by other readers.
  10. A book may be reserved for a reader provided he makes an application to the Librarian for the same within the stipulated time. The book should be collected within 24 hours after the Librarian informs the availability of book.
  11. Library cards are not transferable. The borrower card holders should come personally to borrow the books and the authorization is not allowed.
  12. Every borrower from the library is responsible for the safe custody and return of the book borrowed by him / her. In the event of damage or loss he / she shall replace the book or pay the cost of the book. The person has to pay the fine plus the cost of the book at the time of clearance from the library.
  13. Readers should not deface, mark, cut, tear, mutilate or damage library resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he / she will be charged the full replacement cost of the resource. Also books borrowed should be protected from rain, fire, insect, etc…
  14. Downloading of undesirable e-resources shall not be allowed and punishable if violated.
  15. Strict discipline should be maintained in the library. The position of the chairs and tables should not be changed or displaced.
  16. Beverages and eatables are not allowed inside the library.
  17. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the Library and Reading Room.
  18. Students may be permitted to carry Laptops and its accessories in the Library / Reading room.
  19. All persons may be allowed admission to the library provided that the Librarian may at his discretion refuse admission if he considers a person either of unsound mind, intoxicated or otherwise shabbily dressed. The decision of the Librarian or the next senior officer of the library in the absence of the Librarian shall be final in this matter.
  20. Students Entry to Library and Reading Room is permitted with college uniform only.
  21. No reader is allowed to sleep in the Library or Reading Room premises.
  22. The readers shall behave in a civilized manner. The Librarian may expel any person if he / she feel the presence of such a person is liable to create law and order situation.
  23. The readers are liable for disciplinary actions and fine if they either misbehave or damage the books or any other property of the library. Hence, decency in behavior is expected.
  24. Each prospective member shall give in writing an undertaking to abide by the rules of the library.
  25. Each member shall be provided with a membership Library Identity Card and / or Borrower’s Card.
  26. In case any book is lost or injured by the member, the member shall replace the book or shall pay the cost of replacement. If a book is one of the volumes of a set, the reader may be asked to replace the whole set.
  27. Reference books, unbound periodicals and books of fine arts may not be issued generally except with the written permission of the Librarian. Encyclopedia's, Dictionaries and rare books will not be issued.
  28. If a member does not pay off the library dues, the privilege of borrowing books may be suspended till he / she deposits the requisite amount.
  29. No visitor or guest is permitted to use the Library without the prior permission of the Librarian / Principal. He / She is required to produce a proper introduction letter from the concerned Institution / Organization thereafter who wishes to use the Library facility.
  30. No photograph of the Library shall be taken without the prior permission of the Librarian.
  31. The librarian reserves the power to refuse the issue of book to any member or he may recall any book without assigning any reason therefore.
  32. Student after returning of library books / documents should take No-dues certificate from the library before the examination or before the III and V Semester admission.
  33. Staff should take library No-Dues Certificate (NOC) while Transfer / Deputation / Resignation / Superannuation from the college. While leaving the college, both student and faculty should return books and library borrower’s card without fail, thereafter NOC will be issued.


Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Shruthi G Librarian
2 Poornima H. Second


  • University Exam Question Papers
  • E-Learning Resources (Lecture Videos)
  • N-List (INFLIBNET) - It is a National Library and Information services Infrastructure of Scholarly Content. It covers more than 6000 articles and more than 30,30,000 e-books. The resources are accessible from the link
  • SAGE Journals - SAGE is a leading international provider of innovative, high-quality content publishing more than 900 journals and over 800 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. A growing selection of library products includes archives, data, case studies and video.
  • J-Gate – It was launched in 2001 which helps to access millions of journal articles offered by Publishers. It has a huge database of journal literature indexed from 55,228 e-journals. It is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature.
  • National Digital Library of India National Digital Library of India (NDL India) is a pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. NDL India is designed to hold content of any language and provides interface support for leading Indian languages. It is being arranged to provide support for all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular form of access devices and differently-abled learners. It also helps students to prepare for entrance and competitive examination, to enable people to learn and prepare from best practices from all over the world and to facilitate researchers to perform inter-linked exploration from multiple sources.

Open access E Journals


Rare Books

Last updated by Adithi Nayak.

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