The College Crest

To place before you the aims of your education in this temple of learning and the heights to which you must aspire and grow, you have the crest of the Institution.
The vision of our Pioneers was to provide complete education which would integrate the ancient Indian ethos with modern, scientific and technological forefront.The Vedic Mantra “Vidya Kamadugha” meaning “Vidya is a Kamadhenu”, which gives you whatever you desire was a crystallization of this ideal. This indeed led to the embracing of the recumbent Kamadhenu as pictured in the Puranas as the crest of the Institution. The Kamadhenu rests under the Kalpataru with all the signia of royalty like the crown, the elephant, and the umbrella as depicted in the tree. Its four legs symbolize the four Vedas, and it treats the four Purusharthas. Also seen in the crestis the citation from the Upanishad as uttered by the Guru to the departing shishya “Satyam Vada Dharmam Chara.” This instruction from the Guru provides a rule of conduct that even today cannot be improved upon.
We hope your life measure up to the expectation of our crest and motto.Vision
“To be an Institute of the highest repute and produce good educated citizens who shall strive and cater to the needs of mankind.”
"We firmly believe in instilling life-long learning experience that enables a potential knowledge seeker to lead a righteous life by inculcating faith in divinity, infusing love for knowledge, thriving strength of mind, devoted to serve mankind, striving to self-control which are core to one’s holistic transformation."
"We affirm to create and sustain a learning environment which is value-centered, intellectually challenging, aesthetically inspiring and culturally vibrant."
"Educating for Righteous Life"Where there is education there is progress and upliftment. It is not necessary to take up severe penance in order to attain knowledge, but is enough if one performs his duties with utmost righteousness and dedication to God. With a motto of “Educating for Righteous Life”, every student who passes through the portals of this temple of learning must aspire to be the life-long learners with a blend of moral conduct so that it can enable them to win highest knowledge and thus lead a righteous life. Go forth, live according to this because nothing is supreme than the ‘Law of Righteousness’.
Pancha Sheela Core Values

The Institution strives upon instilling the following five (Pancha Sheela) Core Values in every Canarite viz.,
- Shraddha : Faith in Divinity
- Jigyasa : Love for Knowledge
- Shakti : Strength of Mind
- Sayam : Self-Control
- Seva Nishte : Devoted to the Service of Mankind
“Commitment to quality education for all at affordable cost.”
Quality Policy
“Committed to Innovate, Inspire and Impact in creating educationally empowered, culturally vibrant and globally competent humans who are able to lead a righteous life.”
Goals and Objectives
- To educate for righteous life.
- To impart qualitative, value-based, and character-building education to its aspirants.
- To instill in our students the qualities of self- discipline, commitment and integrity and make them worthy citizens of the nation.
- To prepare our students for rich personal and professional lives coupled with positions of leadership, service and citizenship in a global context.
Thus a Canarite,- Cultivates a passion for life-long learning and an inspiring experience to lead a righteous life.
- Elicits persistent perseverance in pursuit of perfection and excellence in all spheres of life.
- Is committed to uphold moral, spiritual and ethical values and social responsibility as a responsible professional and worthy citizen.
- Is an effective problem solver who approaches the challenges with curiosity, critical thinking and creativity.
- Takes pride in being a proud Alumnus and cherishes the prolific learning experience in this Institution.